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Senin, 26 September 2011

Benefits Of Avocado

Later a number of scientists discover new facts. Avocado loaded glutathione, a natural compoundPhytochemistry non-nutritious nutrition. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant repellent various cancers, particularly cancers of the mouth and throat, as well as preventing heart attacks. Compared with bananas, apples, cantaloupe, and grapes, avocados contain glutathione 3 times.
Many of the benefits contained in this fruit, such as meat dishes and fruit can be used as a base material for several cosmetics and beauty products. Not only that, seeds and bark also has other benefits. Like, seeds can be used in the apparel industry as a dye that does not easily fade. And bark can also be used as a brown dye on leather products. Many of the nutrients contained in this fruit, for nutrition during pregnancy are also good for the mother and the baby.


In this case the avocado contains vitamin E which can help smooth the skin and vitamin A helps the skin care.With a combination of these vitamins to make skin supple, removes wrinkles, making skin look young and fresh. Generally the fruit is used in beauty as a face mask.


For health problems no doubt anymore, because the fruit of this one has many health benefits. Like, Potassium (potassium) contained in avocados can reduce depression, preventing the deposition of fluid in the body and can lower blood pressure. The avocado also has a high vegetable fat that is not saturated. Fats are useful for lowering blood cholesterol (LDL), which means it can prevent stroke, high blood pressure, cancer or heart disease. Unsaturated fat in avocados is also easy to digest the body so it can deliver maximum results on the body. Unsaturated fat in avocados also contain anti-bacterial and anti fungal. So does not worry about the opinion that avocado can cause obesity.

Prevent free radicals

Oleic acid contained in an avocado is a very powerful antioxidant that can capture free radicals in the body due to pollution. These free radicals in the body if it can cause a variety of health complaints.

Polyposis syndrome relieve pre-menstrual

Vitamin B6 is found in avocados polyposis syndrome is believed to relieve pre-menstrual or pre-menstruation (PMS) that generally affects women every month.

Prevent anemia and heart attack

Iron and Copper is needed in the regeneration of the blood thus preventing anemia. Trace elements manganese and zinc are useful to relieve high blood pressure, heart rate monitor and maintain nerve function remained intact.

3 komentar:

  1. wow! that is so cool! i like avocado but i didn't know how healthful it is. thanks for sharing!

    a visit from Earth!

  2. a lot of benefits..
    unfortunately, i didn't like avocado... ^_^
    nice blog Pals...

  3. I like avocado espessialy mix with choclate milk

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